Our services are personalized to each client to ensure the most cost-efficient management of medical lockers for crew, purchasers and managers.
Survey of medical locker
Our medical surveyors can come onboard to help you better organize your medical lockers. We list down and arrange medicines and medical appliances according to groups and recommend a suitable manner of stowing away medical supplies. We also put stickers on each article according to their medical regulations and group codes on the locker itself for easier reference. The surveyors of IPD Shippharma have learned throughout our 15 years of experience to be flexible, considering both the demands of medical regulations and the needs of the crew when surveying your medical lockers.
Issuance of medical certificates, recertification and reflagging
IPD Shippharma can issue certificates based on medical inventory list and reports from our surveyor. For vessels under our medical care programmes, we automatically extend certificates annualy together with the medical replenishments. Most ship registers require the vessel to have a certificate confirming the medical locker is in order. Even if the vessel does not require such certificate, many Port State controls do. IPD ShipPharma can provide these certificates meeting all know requirements. These certificates are issued for one year (or more if ship’s nationality requires it), or for a few months when vessel needs time to obtain stores to complete the locker. We understand the complexities and limitations of supplying in difficult ports especially for vessels on unlimited trade that’s why we work together closely with the captains and purchasers for extension of certificates and replenishments. IPD Shippharma can also assist in vessel’s reflagging.
Medical supply
IPD can arrange replenishment in most major ports in the world, either from Rotterdam or through local suppliers. Orders can be based on ship’s list (where IPD can advice on need as per ship’s nationality), on board survey or ship’s inventory. We offer a complete list of medical requirements but if the vessel sends their medical inventory, we can adjust our offer to lower your cost. We also arrange medical replenishment which can be based on previous supplies, usage and order of the vessel.
Medical inventory
Aside from the ship’s flag, medical requirements are based on trade area, number of crew and sometimes type of cargoes carried. IPD can provide lists of ship’s minimum requirement, like used when doing an on board survey. If a service agreement is made with IPD this list with minimum and on board stocks will be provided to the ship. The list are arranged as per regulation’s list and codes.